I have just completed one of the BEST Minnesota Permit to Carry classes ever! It was given by Doug Taylor. Through the years I have gone through many classes but this particular one hit right to the heart of gun safety and knowledge that I truly needed to understand and appreciate as an American with his/her right to bear arms.
Not just for the sake of carrying a gun but to protect my loved ones, others in danger, and myself. In the difficult times we share now, we need more secure knowledge of just what we can do to keep gun safety and their use on the “good” side of the law, to keep our children and families safe. I learned so much more in-depth about how several types of guns operate, proper handling and sighting in on these guns I never knew before, how to prepare my mindset for future unexpected encounters that I may face along my life’s journey. I am better prepared now than I ever was before, thanks, Doug Taylor. Truly in my books one of the best Permit to Carry instructor and class ever!