Thank you for a truly great experience with again renewing my conceal carry permit for the 4th time. I learn more every time I attend a class, and renew my permit.
I found that your class was informative, fast paced, fact-based, and not subject to watching silly (cases scenarios) videos, and well-rounded without needless side discussions, that can take away from a small class setting.
I found your (Gun Side Manner) at the range very positive and instructive. Always felt safe, comfortable, engaged and informed, and I knew what was expected. One thing I thought was great was the shooting from different handgun holds. Two hands, left hand only, and right hand only. That’s something that was different to me and was a welcomed change of what a person gets to, or comfortable with, no matter how much they shoot.
I spoke with 2 of the 3 females that also attended the class, and they both expressed how comfortable they were with you as an instructor, how you explained things in detail and helped lower their nervous feelings, while handling a firearm, and shooting. That’s not something that they are as familiar with, compared to a person who has handled firearms all of their life.