8th Annual
National Administrator:
Klint Macro [email protected] 818-618-8326
Local Volunteer Instructor:
Doug Taylor [email protected] 612.940.1580
In response to mass murder events, firearm safety and defensive trainers, instructors, and coaches from all across the United States have come together as a unified front to offer training free of charge to teacher, school administrators, school staff, and those that work with youth in a leadership capacity (athletic coaches, Sunday school, clergy, religious leaders). Saturday, June 21st, 2025 is declared to be the 8th Annual National Train A Teacher Day.
The National Train A Teacher Day movement began shortly after the Parkland tragedy. Firearm safety and defense Instructors, Grant Gallagher and Klint Macro set about organizing instructors from across the country to offer free training on a specific date. The 1st Annual NTATD went off without a hitch in 2018. In 2019 more volunteers joined the effort and even more end users were trained. The 3rd Annual NTATD, in 2020, youth leaders (scouts, church, extracurricular) were added as individuals eligible for training. The 3rd Annual NTATD was reschedule from its original date in June to August because of the pandemic and even though less than ½ of the volunteer cadre were able to offer a program due to local restrictions, training was still provided to hundreds of end users across the nation. The 4th annual NTATD saw much of the same difficulty as the previous year with mandates and restrictions, however, despite these challenges, over 1,000 Americans received training from volunteer instructors across the country in 2021 and 2022, even more end users took advantage of the educational opportunities provided by National Train A Teacher Day.
The United States Concealed Carry Association became an official sponsor of NTATD in 2019, and in 2020 Sabre Red joined the effort. Both have pledged to continue to offer free resources to Certified Instructors who are teaching their respective curriculum on the 6th annual NTATD.
In 2020 and 2021 millions of Americans purchased a firearm for the first time and that trend continued into 2022 and to this day; many of these Americans are teachers, school staff, administrators, and youth leaders. “We are eager for the opportunity to help these people not only be responsibly armed but also ‘Well-Regulated’ and trained as their own defenders”, said, Klint Macro, NTATD Co-Founder.
The overall purpose of NTATD is to empower those who are entrusted with the care and education of our children and to give them the insight, knowledge, and skills to perhaps act instead of react, so that they can save lives.
Training opportunities may cover a host of areas from first aid, Stop the Bleed, crime prevention, firearm safety, concealed carry, unarmed defense, Taser, pepper spray, purpose-built school defense, run-hide-fight, and defensive tactics.
We encourage teachers, school staff, administrators, and youth leaders to look at what’s available in their area and take advantage of these educational opportunities. Similarly, professional trainers in any discipline, are encouraged to volunteer and offer their expertise to help make the 8th Annual NTATD an even greater success. Visit the website often, because each week more instructors volunteer to offer training on June 21st, 2025.
For more information and to connect with a trainer, or to volunteer your expertise, visit the National Train A Teacher Day website at www.nationaltrainateacherday.com.
Let us ALL work together to educate, empower, and protect.
LOCAL Courses Offered by Hat Trick Training on National Train A Teacher Day:
Class: Pepper Spray For Self-Defense at 8:00 am
Class: Minnesota Permit To Carry at 11:00 am
Class Location: Prior Lake VFW