I thought the Minnesota Permit to Carry by Hat Trick Training was fantastic. Doug was knowledgeable and informative with a wide range of information and he made the shooting portion of the class easy with his patient and calm demeanor. I would recommend this class to anyone!
Extremely Comfortable Atmosphere
I thought the class was very informative! I learned a lot of things from this class that I never even thought of for carrying a gun. The atmosphere was extremely comfortable too. I will definitely send other friends and family to you! Thank you so much!
Covered The Basics & Real-Life Examples
I thought you did a great job of going through the basics and inserting real-life examples for clarification. Due to the covid pandemic, I thought the classroom you set up was ideal and I felt safe. I appreciated your instruction at the range. I also appreciated the fact that you didn’t talk down to me or belittle me for my lack of experience.
Very Informative
This was a great class. Doug was very knowledgeable and informed. The class time went very fast because it was that informative. The range time was also very good. For someone over the age of fifty who hasn’t shot a gun in over 25 years, I would recommend this class for everyone. Thanks, Doug.
Recommend Doug’s class to Anyone Who Truly Wants to Learn the Right Way to Carry Responsibly.
I recently attended the Minnesota Permit to Carry class presented by Doug Taylor of Hat Trick Training. Doug was not only knowledgeable about the subject matter but also very professional and thorough in his presentation. He included personal stories that held my interest and added a very humanistic touch to this material. I would highly recommend Doug’s class to anyone who truly wants to learn the right way to carry responsibly.